The brand transition of Inser, a Verlingue Company
An alliance strategy that creates value, an evolution that brings in a new continuity: the brand transition of ‘Inser, a Verlingue Company’ kicks off
Just over six months after the announcement of the acquisition of INSER S.p.A. by the French Verlingue Group, the first phase of the brand transition involving Inser’s visual identity, logo, and corporate website comes to life today.
This is a transitive step, as it is technically defined, which incorporates into Inser’s corporate image the precious seeds of the skills, vision and innovative character of Verlingue, one of Europe’s leading family-owned and independent insurance brokers.
A transition that unites and consolidates the values of the company and the French Group: the visual elements that clients and all stakeholders have come to know and appreciate over time have not been changed but have evolved with the awareness and pride of belonging to a true international entrepreneurial family, specialised in protecting businesses and not only.
With offices in France, Portugal, Switzerland, the UK and now Italy, Verlingue employs 1,350 people, 550 of them internationally, and negotiates premiums of more than 2,350 M€ on behalf of its European clients.
“Protecting today, imagining tomorrow is the claim, the version of Verlingue’s slogan that we have chosen for our communication on the Italian territory,” says Rossella Carapezzi – Head of the Communication and Quality Division at Inser Spa, iIn line with the original concept, the claim best represents our corporate vision, which will be complemented and perfected thanks to this acquisition. Working with a major international group and colleagues from other European offices will allow us to increase our expertise and offer truly innovative solutions in the insurance brokerage market to Italian companies and communities, supporting them on their path to growth and protection”.
Although still in a transitional phase, the construction of the new identity represents an important and crucial moment for Inser, marking the beginning of a new way of relating to the market and to people. “A model capable of focusing on the clients daily needs, but not only that: the company organisation itself is evolving in new directions, in an operation that over time will go far beyond the simple rebranding of the brand”, explains Pierpaolo Ruggeri, CEO of Inser Spa “new values to draw on, new ambitions that go beyond the boundaries of territories, new technologies and new proposals for the markets.”
“I am very pleased with the way we have worked together in this first phase of the brand transition,” says Thomas Barbelet – Communication and Marketing Director of the Adelaïde Group, to which Verlingue belongs. “A new era begins today and the next chapter is already underway, with the invaluable collaborations of Inser colleagues whom I thank and in whom I place my trust. I am sure that, together, we will be able to capitalise on our values and the strength of a brand like Verlingue to achieve. sustainable development, full of opportunities, for the benefit of all our clients.”.