Benjamin Verlingue co-signs an opinion piece on French SMEs

Benjamin Verlingue, Deputy Managing Director of Verlingue’s international subsidiaries, and Managing Director of Adelaide Group’s development, has co-signed an article on the transfer of small and medium-sized companies, entitled “Economic Sovereignty: why French ambition will depend on the new leaders of small and medium-sized companies” and published in Les Echos on Friday 5 August.
In the next 10 years, the landscape of family-owned SMEs in France will undergo an unprecedented transformation: 1 in 2 SMEs will be transferred. Half of these territorial champions will therefore be headed by a new manager, aged forty on average! The key to the emergence of this new generation? A wave of successful transmissions! It is on this wave that will depend the perpetuation of France’s know-how and economic development, and the solution to the equation that links national reindustrialisation and European sovereignty!
This article is written in the context of the intra-family transmission of the Adelaide Group. Benjamin Verlingue will take over from his father, Jacques Verlingue, as Chairman from 2024.
The letter was also co-signed by : Cécile Cantrelle, President of Alsapan; Pauline Boucon Duval, General Manager of the Duval Group; Boris Derichebourg, President of Derichebourg Multiservices; Alexandra Mathiolon, General Manager of SERFIM; Caroline Poissonnier, General Manager of the Baudelet Environnement Group; Clément Quéguiner, President of Quéguiner and Caroline Semin, General Manager of the Semin Group.