ISD teams celebrate final go-live on Easy@PS redesign project

Easy@ccess Protection Sociale has been co-constructed with our clients and is regularly evolving to simplify, accelerate and secure HR management actions. The redesign of this digital solution ended with the “Portability” section, the last page to be put online on the application.
Easy@ccess PS has been fully developed by the Digital Factory.
This project started in September 2019 and has undergone several key stages:
● January 2020: first version Home page / Indicators / Mobile_tablet version
● September 2020: Providence
● December 2020: New Secure Access Portal and a new Documentation Library
● May 2021: Recognition of salary slips in provident funds
● June 2021: The major health expenses brick and its new DSN radiation page
● September 2021: Contributions/ Outgoing employees and finally Portability
To celebrate this success, the IT Department met for a day in the Nantes offices of the Digital Factory. Breakfast, Easy@Quizz, lunch and a kahoot on “getting to know the Digital Factory” were on the agenda.