Personal protection

Collective personal protection, a major asset for the company

The purpose of group life insurance is to provide your employees with protection against the vagaries of life, in the event of accident or illness. In particular, group life insurance makes it possible to compensate for loss of income and thus maintain the employee’s standard of living or that of their family.

Setting up a compulsory group protection policy for your employees helps them cope with the financial consequences of everyday accidents and major risks, such as inability to work, disability or death… Verlingue can help you design and implement a policy that is beneficial to both your employees and your company, in particular by providing your HR teams with digital tools that will simplify their day-to-day work.

Verlingue’s solutions

What are the advantages of a life insurance policy for your company?

Given the low level of Social Security cover, particularly in the event of death, setting up a life insurance policy is essential to protect your company’s employees and their families.

Verlingue can advise you and work with you to define the most suitable policy, taking into account your specific needs and challenges in this area. We are involved at every stage of the development of guarantees and services associated with the placement, monitoring and management of your policies.

For your employees: protecting themselves and their loved ones against the vagaries of life

Company life insurance policies allow employees to benefit from coverage that complements the following benefits:
• In the event of death: to provide their loved ones with capital and associated annuities (education/spouse)
In the event of inability to work: to supplement the daily allowances paid by Social Security beyond a deductible to be defined according to your obligations to maintain your salary under the agreement. This cover is temporary and lasts for a maximum of 3 years.
In the case of disability: to supplement the pensions paid by Social Security and defined according to your reduced capacity to work (1st, 2nd or 3rd category)

Easy@access, a powerful HR portal for managing employee social protection

Easy@ccess is a unique solution on the market, co-constructed with our customers and regularly updated with new features.

Intended for HR departments and their operational teams, the digital platform provides detailed dashboards for employee benefits. It provides simple, fluid day-to-day management to facilitate the work of your HR teams.

Latest innovation: With the introduction of artificial intelligence, the declaration of work stoppages in under two minutes!

Read the five best reasons for using it

Collective personal protection: your obligations as a company


Meet our expert

Christophe Hartmann

Director of Employee Benefits

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